Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Good Morning friends....

I hope that you're having a great Wednesday. Anne and I thank you for your continued prayers as we looked for a home after ours sold so quickly. Good news -- we found one and are able to close by Dec. 15th --

Have you had a great time of worship with the Lord today? I hope so. But if not, then take some time during this Thanksgiving holiday and spend time in His Word -- giving thanks and praise for who He is and what He has done for you.


Worship strengthens the Word in us.

A sentence stuck out right away in today's study. It said: "We can always expect resistance." Wow -- that was an aha moment again for me today. "Worship is our response to the revelation of God, and there is a heavenly battle that always centers around worship" (p. 104, workbook).

God's Word and worship

Worship and the Word of God go hand in hand; it's crucial to living the abundant life. We always worship something and the enemy wants nothing more than to entice us to worship anything or anyone else other than the Lord Jehovah!

Thank you God for overcoming every temptation that we all have faced and will face. You did it through the Word of God. May I meditate and memorize God's Word so that I may resist the devil and his schemes. In the name of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Romans 10:17 (NKJV)

17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

My girls and I have begun listening to Bible CD's. During a portion of our morning Bible study together, we listen to others reading the Bible and follow along. Hannah and Sarah Jordan have really enjoyed hearing and reading it at the same time. We're still in Genesis, so we have a long way, but my goal is that we'll be through the entire bible by the end of May. I'll keep you informed as we progress along.

I hope and pray that God's Word is a lamp and light for you! Take time during the Thanksgiving holiday to read the Bible as a family and then let me know how it went!

Bless you,

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