Wednesday, December 16, 2009

More Keys For Worship (Week 8 Day 3)

Hello All! This is Dave covering day 3 with you all. Sorry about being a day late, but the last 2 days just got away from me! On day 3, we talked about Keys 3 and 4 for Worship. Key 3 was Trust and Obey, and Key 4 was Remember That It's All About Jesus. We again look at the example of Jesus sending out the seventy disciples from Luke 10.

Key 3: Trust and Obey.
We need to have a childlike faith as we follow what the Lord has for us. We need to always be open to what the Lord has to teach us. One can never have "arrived" at the peak of Godly knowledge and wisdom. Once someone thinks they have reached that point, they are actually moving away from that close fellowship with the Lord. Daily we are to remind ourselves and pray that God will reveal new and fresh things to us as we strive to grow closer to Him!

Key 4: Remember It's All about Jesus!
When we're looking at the seventy in verses 17-20, we see that they have a great report for Jesus, as they've come back and were excited that even the demons must submit to them in His name. Jesus does not correct them, but he cautions them. They know that they have been given authority, but they should rejoice that their names are written in Heaven. We have to always keep our hearts on guard. If we are doing things in Jesus name we need to always give Him the glory, or else we feel like we can depend on our own abilities.

Instructions for Our Mission
As Chad mentioned yesterday, we need constant communion with Jesus. We need to spend time with Him or we can easily lose our close relationship with Him. We need to live a lifestyle of worship. Jesus has given us many instructions, as He did with the seventy in order to live in close communion with Him as well as in close relationship with others around us.

The verse that says it all is "'Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind' and 'Love your neighbor as yourself'" Luke 10:27
If you love the Lord with all your heart, you will obey His commands, and will live a life of Worship!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Keys for Worship

Hello All this is Chad Plummer Filling in today and Thursday on the blog. I must warn you that I have a disease call random capitalization. Not sure why I do this but I sometimes will capitalize words For no reason. What can I say I am crazy.

Todays study is the first two keys to experiencing God in worship.

The first key is spending time in God's presence. If we look at Monday's study then we see the seventy and how they followed Jesus and spent time at His feet which prepared them to be sent out and do the work of ministry and worship the Lord.

I know for me personally one of the hardest disciplines in this life is having a consistent quiet time. There is always something that gets in the way, everyone is busy and there is never enough time in the day. But a quiet time is life and death for a christian. If we don't spend time in the word we being to lose or fellowship with God and that leaves us open to attack and frustration and depression and all those things we have been saved from.

I read a book called the Secrets of the Secret place by Bob Sorgie (I think I spelled that last name right) and he helped me to look at our time with God in a little different manner. Bob titled one chapter radiation therapy. When we spend time with God its as if we are being irradiated by His presence and the cancer (aka sin) is being killed the more time we spend with God. Every moment in Gods presence helps us to be more like Him and kills our sin, it gives us a clear picture of who God is and how much He loves us and in turn helps us to worship Him. The thought of God killing the sin inside of me by spending time in His presence makes me want to spend as much time with Him as possible. "The only way we can know the will of the Lord and be filled with the Holy Spirit is to spend time in God's presence." By spending time with God we remove the influence of sin and can know the will of God. Apart for Him we can do nothing.

The second Key to worship is to count the cost.

Most christians don't like to think about this at all. We don't like to think that following God will cost us something. We are selfish at the core of our being and it is very unsettling to think that God would ask us to do something that might hurt us in some way. The truth is that God has always asked His people to do things that put themselves at personal risk for the sake of the Gospel.

One thing I have learned is that God is not going to ask you to do something that He will not provide the grace for you to do. I remember living in Kansas City and I was attending a local church that had a service on Tuesday nights. Well I couldn't wait to get to church that night, work had been crazy and I was ready to see my friends and worship the Lord. Well I was on my way in a hurry of course to get there when I saw a car stalled in the middle of an intersection. People were going around this guy and were rather annoyed that His car had broken down in the middle of the intersection. I felt the Holy Spirit tell me to stop and help this guy. Well to be honest it was more like the Holy Spirit was yelling at me. I was listening to the song by Casting Crowns "If we are the Body" and right as I was passing this guy I made eye contact with him and the lyrics at that exact moment were "why aren't His hands reaching". Well I said to myself I am on my way to church I need to get there I don't have time to stop. I got about a block and finally gave into the Holy Spirit and turned around and helped the guy. Turns out he was on his way to church as well and just needed to use my cell phone to call for some help. I had no idea but at church that night we had the Lord supper service and man did I worship it was awesome. When we are obedient to Gods call in our life it produces joy and fulfillment. Had I not done what the Lord had asked me to do then I could not have worshiped Him that night.

Worshiping God will cost you, it may cost you some money, it may cost you some time, and it may cost you your life. But we need not worry because God will provide were He guides. Our problems start when we go and do things were He has not guided and then expect Him to provide.

Tomorrow Dave Roberts is back and will talk about the last two keys to worshiping the Lord. I hope all of you have a great day and look for opportunities to serve the Lord as you go about your day.

In Christ
Chad <><

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sending Out the Seventy

This is Dave Updating the blog for you all today and Wednesday. Chad's going to do Tuesday and Thursday. Today's study is mainly about the sending out of the seventy from Luke Chapter 10. Jesus speaks in the latter part of Chapter 9 about the COST of discipleship.

As they were walking along someone said to Jesus, “I will follow you no matter where you go.”
But Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens to live in, and birds have nests, but I, the Son of Man, have no home of my own, not even a place to lay my head.”
He said to another person, “Come, be my disciple.”
The man agreed, but he said, “Lord, first let me return home and bury my father.”
Jesus replied, “Let those who are spiritually dead care for their own dead.* Your duty is to go and preach the coming of the Kingdom of God.”
Another said, “Yes, Lord, I will follow you, but first let me say good-bye to my family.”
But Jesus told him, “Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God."
Luke 9:57-62

When the Lord commands, He does not mean later, he means NOW! Delayed obedience is DISobedience. Going out to a lost and dying world is not a thing we need to pray about and mull over. That is our command through the Great Commission. He does not promise an easy road for anyone that comes in His name, but he does promise an eternal reward. As the seventy returned from their commission, they were overjoyed as even the demons were subject to them in His name. Jesus said, "Do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in Heaven!"

I read these things in Luke, and am reminded of a friend of mine from about 15 years ago, Beth. She and her family have an amazing story as they mirror the faithfulness of these seventy this video below. It's somewhat long, but you will be blessed and inspired!

Journey With The Clark's from brettclark1527 on Vimeo.

If you'd like to follow the Clark's more, you can read their blog at

Today's theme is Experiencing God In Worship. As Bro. Phillip preached about yesterday, God is calling us beyond our comfort zone. We need to have the faith to step out and do! This is living a lifestyle of in complete surrender!
God bless you all!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009



Today's Main Idea:
God revealed Himself in New Testament times through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Harland shares several New Testament expressions of God's Presence. Review them with me again...

1. Jesus was the Word of God who physically dwelt on the earth.

2. Jesus was and is the exact image of God, for He is God.

3. Jesus' life and words gave testimony of God.

4. Jesus and God are one and the same.

5. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to remain with us.

6. The Holy Spirit came upon and empowered His people; He is present in us.

I like what Harland said at the end of today's study....

"There is no doubt: we were made to enjoy God's presence both now and throughout eternity. God has given us the invitation and the means--Christ in us, the hope of glory--to do just that." (p. 146, workbook)

Praise God today for allowing us the freedom, joy and blessing to be able to be in His presence and enjoy Him forever!



God's Presence in the Old Testament

God revealed His presence in Old Testament times in many different ways.

Harland shares several observations from the Old Testament -- take a look again...

1. God was present before the heavens and the earth existed.

2. God was present with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden.

3. God made His presence known through His creation.

4. God's presence was in the cloud and pillar of fire that led the Israelites in the wilderness.

5. God revealed His presence to Moses in the burning bush.

6. God was present in a cloud at the dedication of the temple.

7. God was present with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace.

8. God was present in the holy of holies inside the temple.

I'm sure that you could also think of many other times in the Old Testament in which God was present with His people. It's comforting to know that God wants to have a continual relationship with us...daily, moment by moment. "God manifested His presence as He willed in order to impact His chosen people and reveal Himself to the ungodly. God wanted His people to have a clear revelation of Him and to respond with worship." (p. 143, workbook)

Do you respond to God when He clearly shows up and reveals Himself to you? I guess, same as the people in the Old Testament, we sometimes don't respond. Even so, God still wants an intimate relationship with each of us. Praise Him today for His pursuing you and desiring this special, intimate, endless relationship that He wants for each of us for all eternity!

Have you ever experienced an unusual encounter with God? If so, please tell me. I would love to praise the Lord with you!




"Each of us was created by God for relationship with Him,
but we can only enjoy that relationship by God's grace.
God's great love for us, demonstrated in Christ Jesus,
initiates our response.
The only reasonable and adequate response is our expression of worship.
And as we worship,
God has promised to be present."

God has promised to be present when we worship.

Harland discusses three dimensions of God's Presence:

God's awesome presence-
Our God is omnipresent...He's everywhere...present in all places at the same time.

Psalm 139:7-8

7 Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?

8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.

God's abiding presence-
God is truly loving, tender, understanding and intimate with those who call upon Him as Lord.

Psalm 139:9-10

9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,

10 even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.

Harland says that the Bible is very clear that God is serious about abiding with us in an intimate relationship. Isn't that wonderful? Give Him praise for this today!

God's amazing presence-
This is God's response to His followers as they call out for His intervention.
"From Abraham to Nehemiah to Mary, to the individuals whose stories we've heard and seen in our own generation, God's amazing presence is a proven reality.

As we worship, we can expect Him to respond.

Praise God today for His presence that is always with us!


Saturday, December 5, 2009



It's the end of our sixth week....keep on keeping on!....
My friend, if you're behind don't fret, just keep working at your own pace--getting the most of of the study as you can.

We worship God by serving Him in our everyday lives with reverence and awe.

Worship is to be a lifestyle.

Serving is a part of our worship to God!

Missional Clarity – Why are you Here? (Pt. 3)


John 13 gives us a rich example of what serving God looks like –in a nut shell it involves serving others in the name of Jesus Christ. In John 13 we see a humble picture of Jesus teaching all eternity what serving others looks like. There are several powerful lessons that can be learned from Christ’s example:

1. He knew who He was and where He was going.

2. He “showed them the full extent of His love.”

3. Serving others is the place of fulfillment.

4. He didn’t expect to be fully appreciated for what He was doing.

Bottom line: Serving God will lead you to becoming the person God created you to be. If you want to experience missional clarity (why are you here) you need to Accept, Embrace, and Serve God.

(written by Andy Stevens)

God reveals His presence to us through prayer, worship, His Word and through others.
"As we draw near to God, we must come with a pure heart in response to who He is and what He has done... He wants us our voice to proclaim adoration, appreciation, desperation, and expectation, but also every day demonstrating a lifestyle of worship--a life that is being transformed by His Word." (p. 131, workbook)
Have you expressed love to Him by showing kindness and generosity to others today?
Go out, rejoice, and share His love to others in tangible ways.

God bless,

Thursday, December 3, 2009



Today's Main Idea:
Four key parts of the worship service
and one special element of worship
can help us to express our worship.

Harland tells us today that "music fulfills a specific, God-ordained purpose in worship: it proclaims God's power, presence, and Word--preparing the hearts of His people to receive Him." (p. 125, workbook)

As you study worship and then take a look at the main points in worship (used by many denominations), you can see similarities. Dr. Robert Webber, author and teacher of worship, summed these down to four major or distinctive parts:

1. The Coming In

We sing at the beginning of our worship services because music and musicians were created to precede the power, presence, and Word of God. Not only is singing done in this part of the worship service, but also praying and reading of Scripture.

2. The Table of the Lord

The table of the Lord is given as a visible reminder of God's eternal sacrifice in Christ Jesus. The Lord's table must never become a ritual or just a tradition. Harland tells us that it is a vital and crucial worship expression. The shed blood and broken body of our Lord will never lose its power.

3. The Proclamation of the Word

Music should never replace the Word of God. The Word should always be an important part of our worship--both privately and corporately.

4. The Going Out

Harland tells us that this is crucial because this is the part of our worship in which we have listened to the Word and are now to go out into the world
and live and share it with others.

Tell me your thoughts on today's bible study.




Today's Main Idea:
God created singers and musicians to be "lead worshipers,"
but the pastor is the true worship leader.

Singers and musicians play a crucial part in preparing the people to express their hearts in worship and receive the power, presence, and Word of God. (p. 123, workbook)

Harland shares: "The model God gave us for worship includes a major role for the singers and musicians. But the true worship leader (in each of the scriptures listed in today's bible study) is the one who presides over the whole event.
As in the Old Testament, the "one who presides over the worship service today should be the spiritual leader of the congregation." (p. 123, workbook)

"The pastor is to the worship service what the mother of the bride is to the wedding ceremony. When she stands, we stand. When she sits, we sit. When she leaves, we follow. In the same way, members of the congregation take "worship cues" from the pastor. When the pastor is a worshiper and understands his role as worship leader, there is great freedom in worship."
(p. 124, workbook)

Singers and musicians have a very specific purpose in worship:
to prepare the hearts of the people to receive the Word of God.

I invite you and encourage you to pray daily for your pastor, Bro. Phillip. In fact, all of the pastors would appreciate prayers each day. However, it is a tremendous responsibility to be the senior pastor; a calling that has much accountability as well as rewards. I am blessed to be able to serve with Bro. Phillip. He is my friend, my brother in Christ and my pastor and I consider it a blessing to be able to lift Him up in prayer daily. I encourage you to do the same.

Have a tremendous day worshiping the Lord in all that you do!

Bless you, my friend.



Today's Main Idea:
God created music and musicians to precede and proclaim His presence, is power, and is Word; and to prepare His people to receive Him.

As we begin this wonderful Tuesday together, I praise God today for His creativity. I thank Him for music and people, like you, that He bestowed tremendous musical gifts and talents to be used for His glory, honor and praise. As we experience music each day, never forget that music was created for worship! Really -- music was created by God and for God's glory, praise and adoration.

Harland shares this:

1. God created music and musicians to precede and proclaim His presence, His power, and His Word; and to prepare His people to receive Him.

2. God created music and musicians to lead His people as they celebrate, thank, and praise the Lord.

"God did not create and appoint musicians to worship for the people but to lead the people as they worshiped!...He set the musicians in place to lead the people in their own expression of worship." (p. 121, workbook)

Worship is a great gift from God. Music and musicians serve a crucial purpose in our worship expression.

God created you for worship,
and He loves to hear your unique expression of praise.

Give the Lord a song from your heart today. Praise Him with words and melody in praise.


Monday, November 30, 2009



"Each of us was created by God for relationship with Him,
but we can only enjoy that relationship by God's grace.
God's great love for us, demonstrated in Christ Jesus,
initiates our response.
The only reasonable and adequate response
is our expression of worship."


It's our sixth week!....It is my continued hope and prayer that you have been gaining much wisdom and practice in the topic of worship through the past five weeks. I have thoroughly enjoyed going through this study again with you. Feel free to let me know your thoughts and what you have been learning as well as words of wisdom. Leave a comment anytime!

God delights in our unique expressions of worship in response to His revelation!

Harland tells us that "once we understand our human position relative to God's omnipotence and greatness, we are ready to become true worshipers...

...Our willingness to spend time in His presence and invite Him into every aspect of our lives--surrendering ourselves as a living sacrifice--dictates how we respond as we encounter God."
(p. 117, workbook)

Our worship expression is a clear indicator of the depth and quality of
our relationship with God.

"When we live a surrendered life in response to who He is and what He has done, our response as we encounter God is free and unhindered. What someone else might think about our response really doesn't matter. Worship is truly all about Him!" (p. 118, workbook)

Wow -- those last two sentences really hit home because as Baptists, we tend to worry about what others will think if we truly express our love to God in worship. We seem so concerned about clapping, kneeling, lifting up hands, and expressing our praise, that in corporate worship, much is lost due to worrying about others. Thankfully, God evaluates the heart of the worshiper. Yet, "God wants to see and hear our unique expressions of worship."

Remember folks, the issue is not the style of worship...
"Each believer must raise his or her own expression of worship to the King of kings in response to what He alone has done."

As long as one makes the Bible their worship standard, and not by our comfort level based on previous experiences, we will keep our priority on God and what He says about worship.

Look to the Bible as our "standard" when it comes to expressing worship...His word must be our guideline as we worship.

Once we understand our human position relative to God's omnipotence and greatness, we are ready to become true worshipers!

I praise God that He wants to hear my unique expressions of praise; all from a heart fully dedicated and devoted to Him.

As it flows from your heart, express your love to God today in your own unique way.


Friday, November 27, 2009


Happy Day After Thanksgiving....hope you had a great day giving thanks to the Lord and to all the special people who make your life so full! (I'm sure I don't have to mention having all of your favorite foods, right? I bet you're still full from your feast!)

(I spoke about the wrong bible study yesterday, but have fixed it so yesterday and today are now correct...sorry)

Worship begins with love--God's love for us and our love for God. I praise God that not only does He love me, but that He took the initiative to love me first. In the study, Harland asked for you to list as many words as you can think of that describes God's love for you. Here's a few of mine:

How should we respond to God's love?

Matthew 22:37-40 (NIV)

37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

The Bible also tells us to be imitators of God and to walk in love. Spend moments throughout the busy Thanksgiving holiday, giving Him thanks and thanking others for being an important part of your life.

I want to thank each of you, my dear church family. You are truly an important part of my life and the life of every member of my family. The Montgomery's appreciate your love, support, kindness, friendship, openness, care, compassion, and faithfulness to our Lord. We are so blessed by knowing and serving our Lord with you. Thank you for the privilege of knowing you and allowing us to be a part of your family. God bless you!



Today's Main Idea:
God wants us to worship Him with all our heart and soul.

Harland tells us that God is really a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

Hebrews 11:6

6And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

A few thoughts that I want to be sure are reread again from today's lesson are as follows:

1. Whether we are worshiping corporately or privately, our response to God should be biblically based and unhindered.

2. The style of worship, the volume of worship, and the elements of worship are not the issue. The issue is that each believer must raise his or her own unhindered expression of worship to the King of kings in response to what He alone has done.

3. The Bible is full of specific activities of worship, including those listed below.
Raising hands
Playing instruments
Taking communion

Please take time over the weekend and look up a few of these in your bible. Harland gives you several verses for each of the worship activities listed above.

Lord, Jesus, may we each be unhindered in our praise to you! Amen.

Bless you as you worship Him today. See you Sunday morning.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


I hope that you are having a wonderful day, giving thanks to our Lord for who He is and what He has done in your life! As we come together with friends and family each year, I often think throughout the day that this day has become more about the food than of giving thanks to God for the true blessings we receive from Him daily! Have you ever thought that way too?


Today's main idea:
Worshiping God while we are waiting for Him to act opens a place for Him to intervene.

We were made for relationship with God...We have seen God wants us to respond to His love by worshiping Him.

What do we need to do while waiting on the Lord?

Hebrews 4:15-16

15For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. 16Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Thank you, Father, for your mercy and grace. I thank You for allowing me to seek Your face and to specifically pray for answers and solutions to problems and situations in my life. I trust You and know that You alone are my Savior and Lord, the One who cares for me and always wants the best for my life. May I always allow you to direct my path from day to day.

Giving thanks for the great things are God has done!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Good Morning friends....

I hope that you're having a great Wednesday. Anne and I thank you for your continued prayers as we looked for a home after ours sold so quickly. Good news -- we found one and are able to close by Dec. 15th --

Have you had a great time of worship with the Lord today? I hope so. But if not, then take some time during this Thanksgiving holiday and spend time in His Word -- giving thanks and praise for who He is and what He has done for you.


Worship strengthens the Word in us.

A sentence stuck out right away in today's study. It said: "We can always expect resistance." Wow -- that was an aha moment again for me today. "Worship is our response to the revelation of God, and there is a heavenly battle that always centers around worship" (p. 104, workbook).

God's Word and worship

Worship and the Word of God go hand in hand; it's crucial to living the abundant life. We always worship something and the enemy wants nothing more than to entice us to worship anything or anyone else other than the Lord Jehovah!

Thank you God for overcoming every temptation that we all have faced and will face. You did it through the Word of God. May I meditate and memorize God's Word so that I may resist the devil and his schemes. In the name of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Romans 10:17 (NKJV)

17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

My girls and I have begun listening to Bible CD's. During a portion of our morning Bible study together, we listen to others reading the Bible and follow along. Hannah and Sarah Jordan have really enjoyed hearing and reading it at the same time. We're still in Genesis, so we have a long way, but my goal is that we'll be through the entire bible by the end of May. I'll keep you informed as we progress along.

I hope and pray that God's Word is a lamp and light for you! Take time during the Thanksgiving holiday to read the Bible as a family and then let me know how it went!

Bless you,