Thursday, November 12, 2009


Aren't you thankful for God's grace? I woke up this morning thinking about His unmerited favor on us and what that means as I begin this day with Him. Grace ---

There is this element of our salvation that is more essential than I think any of us realize. It is key not only because it is the means by which God made it possible for us to be delivered from the misery and bondage that we were in when we were in sin, it is also that which keeps us in the midst of the madness of life until Christ comes to rapture us and take us to the place where the wicked will cease from troubling and the weary shall be at rest. I’m talking about Grace—God’s unmerited favor, God’s riches at Christ’s expense—extended to those of us who exercise faith in him and in his redemption.

Our God is a God of all grace. He does not treat us as we deserve given the fact that we sin and fall short of his expectations daily, but rather he gives us what we do not deserve: his presence, his provision, his protection, his power, and his peace.

The reality of Grace is God's Idea not man's in what God did for us by Jesus dieing for our sins. This love of God is for the world not just for certain people for God is no respecter of persons.

As in the beloved old hymn, the amazing kind of grace is God's gift of redemption, the grace which prompts us to repent, causing us to think again when we find ourselves in a bad way, and which prompts us to return, putting us back on a more godly path.

(material above taken from various website studies)

Titus 2:11-13 (New International Version)

11For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. 12It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, 13while we wait for the blessed hope—the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ...

In my bible reading this morning, my girls and I spoke about the above verses. These verses briefly describe the effect grace should have on believers. "It encourages rejection of ungodliness and leads to holier living--in keeping with Paul's repeated insistence that profession of Christ be accompanied by godly living (vv.1-2, 4-5, 10; 3:8)" (NIV study bible).

Many times we think of the grace of God as only what Jesus did for us on the cross; because of God's love for us, he gave us grace. Yet, many times we don't realize how we should respond daily to this unmerited favor from God.

As you thank God for His grace, work today to produce good works (Eph. 2:10) and live a godly life. This is a great challenge for all of us. Pray for God to work in and through you today!

Lord, help me to seek Your face in all that I do today and may each moment be meaningful as I surrender my will for Your will and focus my thoughts and attention on the work that you would have me do--for Your glory and purposes. May I be a light for others today in both actions and words. In Jesus name, Amen.


Today's Main Idea:
True worship is expressed through spirit and truth--
our spirit surrendered to God's Truth.

The condition of the worshiper's heart is always God's primary interest. "No matter where our place of worship may be, we can offer the Father the worship He desires as long as it flows from deep within our surrendered hearts" (p. 67, workbook).

"True worship is expressed through spirit and truth: our spirit surrendered to His Truth. Jesus made it clear that anything less is unacceptable" (p. 68, workbook).

Wow -- today was packed full of wonderful gems from God's Word. Two definitions I want to be sure that we read again (and feel free to discuss on the blog) are as follows:

WORSHIP IN SPIRIT is defined by worship that comes from the innermost part of our hearts--hearts that are filled with awe and appreciation that can only come from our personal and intimate encounter with the Lord.

WORSHIP IN TRUTH occurs as we worship with an understanding of who God truly is and who we are by comparison. God and all His attributes are fully revealed in Jesus Christ, who is the Truth!

Worship today in spirit and truth, my friend.


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