Thursday, November 5, 2009


In my bible reading this morning, I read this verse and it really spoke to me. It made me think about worship and our relationship with God. Read the verse again (below) and give this day to the Lord - - that all you do, say, and think will come from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

2 Corinthians 5:15

And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

This also brought to mind another verse, one of Bro. Phillip's favorite scriptures: Galatians 2:20.

Lord, I want to live this day as a vessel to be used by You for Your purposes, glory, honor and praise. Guide my steps--thoughts and actions--that I may be a light for those who are in darkness. In Jesus name, Amen.



Today's Main Idea:

Spending time with God to gain revelation is essential for worship.

Harland shares that "having a correct view of God is essential to worship. Without a clear understanding of God's nature and supernatural power in relationship to our own human limitations, we simply can't worship with our whole hearts. We must understand that we desperately need God and that He is willing and able to intervene in our lives here and now" (p. 48, workbook).

Our days seem so full of distractions. This world offers so much, both good and bad, to distract us from God. We need to remind ourselves every morning that God is who He says He is--the Lord our God--and He does not want any other gods to consume our attention and allure us away from Him.

As long as I have been at First Baptist Bentonville, I have heard Bro. Phillip share over and over again that we need to be intentional about studying God's Word and praying--daily communicating to our Lord.

He knows that our focus can be consumed by this world. Even good things, like our children, work, and serving others can take so much time that we go through weeks without communication with the Father. I know, first hand, that I must deliberately begin each day with the Lord, focusing on Him and submitting to His authority and will for my life otherwise I will get too busy, doing good things, but nevertheless shut Him out of my day. Are you like this too? Tell me how you stay focused on Him throughout the day.

God bless you as you serve the Lord this day!



  1. Brother Ken,

    I know that I struggle with all of the distractions in my day. Something new that I started this year was to listen to our POPC music in my truck on the way to work each morning. I listen and sing along to the powerful words during my 15-20 minute drive, and then try to always take time to say a short prayer once I have parked at the office.

    It really helps me focus my day very early, and has made for some truly wonderful moments of personal worship. I hope that my coworkers have noticed the difference in me as much as I have noticed the way it makes me feel.

  2. I really liked reading in Hebrews 11, AKA The Hall of Faith...
    Verses 1-3 are a good definition of what faith is,
    "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good testimony. By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible."

    In regards to Abraham, I'm reading back over Genesis 12-22. This is the first time God spoke to Abram in 12 through the covenant in 15 and to the test of his faith on Mount Moriah with Isaac in 22. Abraham taking Isaac up to the mount was like a Faith Boot Camp for him. This is where his faith was put to the test. Is God who He says He is? Are His promises true? Can His Word be trusted? As from the covenant that God promised through Isaac a great nation. If this is the same God who promised a great nation through Isaac, only to ask for his sacrifice? Abraham knew without a shadow of doubt that God somehow had the whole thing in His hand. That's some serious faith! Abraham would not have had this strong faith had he not spent time listening to God's voice.

    As Abraham did, we must spend time with God continually throughout the day. As 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says, "Pray without ceasing." Be in a continual attitude of prayer and keep your heart softened and open to what God has for you throughout the day.

  3. Thank you David and Dave for sharing today. Both of your thoughts and insights were a great blessing to me. We should all "rejoice always....pray without ceasing..."...throughout the day spending time with God.

    Bless you both.

  4. One thing I try to do when I need to focus on the LORD is to quiet myself and think of Psalm 46:10. It says, "Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." It's sometimes so hard to be still, even when we are quiet, there are so many distractions, but if we remain in that quiet place we can begin to really focus on Him. Also, thanks Dave for the reminder that we should pray without ceasing. That is one sure fire way to stay focused on Him.
    Shelley T.
