Thursday, October 29, 2009



Today's main idea is that when we worship, God has promised to be present. Isn't that wonderful, amazing, and humbling! Our God is there when we worship Him.

I woke this morning thinking about one thing: God wants a deeper, personal, relationship with each of us! This is something worth getting out of bed, stretching upward and giving praise to God in our first waking moments of the day.

Mike Harland tells us, once again in today's study, that "God has revealed and continues to reveal Himself to us--who He is and what He has done--and His presence is real and available to us today. Worship is our only reasonable response to God's revelation" (p.25 workbook).

He goes on to say that "something wonderful happens as we worship: we make a place for God to dwell in our midst. When we worship, we actually invite the presence of God to be manifest among us...As we spend time in God's presence, He directs us and empowers us to respond, and we experience Him in new and glorious ways. Entering into worship, whether individually or corporately, is a surefire way to experience God" (p. 26 workbook).

Have you experienced wonderful moments of corporate and individual worship? Tell me about one.

When we worship, we should expect God to be there, for He said that He would be; we should praise Him for His faithfulness, steadfastness, and daily mercies.

Lamentations 3
22 Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
24 I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him."
25 The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him,to the one who seeks him;

Praise the Lord throughout this day...

For the Lord is good! His faithful love endures forever!



  1. I see worship as a constant process. I think we have to be careful and point all the worship to God. I still am striving to worship/reflect/mirror Him in everything I say and do. Lord, may all my thoughts and actions reflect You.


  2. I really liked reading all of 2 Chronicles 5 as Solomon made preparation of the Temple as the Ark of the Covenant came to rest in the Holy of Holies. That's when the glory cloud of God dwelt with His people, the Israelites. So much so that the Priests could not physically STAND to continue ministering!

    As it was with The Old Covenant, we under the New Covenant ARE the Temple according to 2 Corinthians 6:19. "Or don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself."

    As The Israelites made a place for God to dwell in Solomon's Temple, we are inherently the dwelling place of God if we trust in Christ as our Savior! Through this study I'm reminded that worship is not an experience to chase after, but should be our daily response to His amazing love, by reading His Word, whether we are with 60,000 believers or by ourselves!

  3. thanks for your commments....
    they blessed me so!....

    I think that we sometimes forget that we do not belong to believers, we are the temple of God and the Holy Spirit lives in us....

    thanks Dave for sharing with us 2 Corinthians 6:19


  4. I have to share that I was reading the study today on the airplane. I got to the response question #4 on page 27 which asks you to shout aloud, "For the Lord is good! His faithful love endures forever!" - guess what I did! Ha! Not really, but oh how I wish I would have! But we are at Orange level security at the airport - I didn't want you all to see me on the news being escorted off the plane in Chicago - ha! So, here you go now that I'm in my hotel room - "FOR THE LORD IS GOOD! HIS FAITHFUL LOVE ENDURES FOREVER!!!!" Did you hear me?
